18650 rechargeable battery lithium 3.7v 3500mah
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18650 rechargeable battery lithium 3.7v 3500mah
18650 rechargeable battery lithium 3.7v 3500mah


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CR1225 battery.Introduction and Development Status of Lithium Carbonate

source:Industry News release time:2023-12-19 Hits:     Popular:AG11 battery


  Among the raw materials of lithium iron phosphate, the main ones are ferrous oxalate, iron oxide red, iron phosphate, lithium dihydrogen phosphate, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, and so on. Among them, lithium carbonate accounts for nearly 30%, while lithium carbonate is extracted from mineral resources and has very limited reserves in nature. It has strong regional and scarcity characteristics and is a scarce resource. Therefore, the strategic importance of lithium carbonate resources in the new energy vehicle industry chain is particularly prominent.

  From the figure below, it can be seen that Chile is currently the country with the richest lithium resources in the world, with 72% of the resources, followed by China with 13%. Enterprises that produce lithium carbonate on a large scale must have the right to exploit salt lake resources with abundant lithium resource reserves, which poses a very high resource barrier to the industry; In addition, the main raw material of lithium carbonate is salt lake brine (the ore method has low global production capacity due to its high cost). Due to the fact that the vast majority of global salt lakes are of high magnesium and low potassium type, the process of purifying and separating lithium carbonate from high magnesium and low potassium old brine is very difficult. Previously, these technologies were only mastered by a few companies, which has created technical barriers for the lithium carbonate industry. Therefore, the global oligopoly pattern in the lithium carbonate industry has long existed. It is understood that Chile's SQM, the United States' FMC, and Germany's Chemetal dominate over 70% of the global lithium carbonate production capacity

  Tibet in China has the richest mining resources, with a conservative estimate of 2 million tons of lithium carbonate reserves. In 2008, the production capacity was 2600 tons, and the long-term plan is 20000 tons. Lithium carbonate can be divided into industrial grade 98.99%, pharmaceutical grade 98.5%, battery grade 99.5%, and high-purity grade 99.99-99.999% based on its purity. Domestic manufacturers mainly produce lithium carbonate at industrial grade, with battery grade production capacity accounting for one-third of the total production capacity.

  At present, the domestic enterprises producing lithium carbonate are mainly concentrated in six companies: Tibet Mining, CITIC Guoan, Western Mining Group, Qinghai Salt Lake Group, Tianqi Lithium, and Ganfeng Lithium. However, the top four companies are limited to industrial grade lithium carbonate, while battery grade lithium carbonate is controlled by Tianqi Lithium and Ganfeng Lithium. Among them, Tianqi Lithium has the most mature technology and is the industry standard setter, accounting for about 60% of the domestic market share, and some of it is exported.

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