18650 rechargeable battery lithium 3.7v 3500mah
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18650 rechargeable battery lithium 3.7v 3500mah
18650 rechargeable battery lithium 3.7v 3500mah

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Mobile lithium battery recognition memory effect.802540 polymer battery

release time:2023-05-19 Hits:     Popular:AG11 battery


  The battery memory effect refers to the resistance of the battery's reversible failure, that is, the performance that can be recovered after the battery fails. Memory effect refers to this specific tendency to automatically maintain this specific tendency after the battery is undergoing a specific working cycle for a long time. The earliest definition of nickel -cadmium batteries, nickel -cadmium -type batteries do not have a memory effect, sintering battery has a memory effect. Nickel metal hydrogen (commonly known as nickel -metal hydride) battery is not constrained by this memory effect.

  Because of the improvement of modern nickel -cadmium battery technology, the above -mentioned memory effect has been greatly reduced, and another phenomenon replaces this definition, which is the "lattice" of the nickel -based battery The comprehensive effect of effect, while nickel -metal hydride batteries are only affected by the "lattice" memory effect, and it affects the smaller than nickel -cadmium batteries.

  In practical applications, the method of eliminating memory effects has strict norms and a operation process, and improper operation will be counterproductive.

  For nickel -cadmium batteries, normal maintenance is regular deep discharge: an average of each month (or 30 cycles) is used for deep discharge (discharge to 1.0V/each section, and foreigners call Exercise). Or use shutdown and other means to relieve the formation of memory effects, but this is not Exercise, because instruments (such as mobile phones) will not be turned off at 1.0V/section. Special equipment or lines must be used to complete this work. Fortunately, many chargers of nickel -hydride batteries have this function.

  For nickel -cadmium batteries that have not been performed for a long time, due to the accumulation of memory effects, they cannot use exercise to perform capacity recovery. At this time, a deeper discharge (foreigner is called Recondition). The process of discharge to a process of 0.4V requires professional equipment.

  For nickel -hydride batteries, the frequency of Exercise can effectively alleviate the memory effect every three months. Because the circulation life of nickel -metal hydride batteries is far lower than that of nickel -cadmium batteries, it is almost impossible to use the RECONDITION method.

  Suggestion 1: It is unnecessary to discharge the battery before each charging, and it is harmful, because the life of the battery is unnecessary.

  Suggestion 2: It is not advisable to discharge the positive and negative poles of a resistor to the battery. The current cannot be controlled. It is easy to put it to 0V, which even causes the battery polar reversal of the series battery pack.

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